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120 Design Psychology principles.

Human behaviour applied to UX design. Created to base your design decisions on how people actually act.

Social proof

Social proof is a psychological principle where people tend to conform to the actions of others, assuming that those actions reflect the correct behavior. In UX design, social proof is used to build trust and influence user behavior by showcasing the positive actions and experiences of other users.

Incorporating social proof into this kit helps designers leverage the power of user behavior and peer influence to create more persuasive and trustworthy designs. Components of a UX Day Kit related to social proof include:

  • Testimonial Templates: Pre-designed templates for displaying user testimonials and reviews effectively.
  • Case Study Templates: Guidelines and templates for creating compelling case studies and success stories.
  • Influencer Collaboration Guidelines: Best practices for working with influencers and incorporating their endorsements into the design.

A-ha moment

The "A-ha moment" is a design psychology principle that refers to the instant when a user suddenly understands or grasps the value of a product, feature, or concept. In user UX design, creating these moments can significantly enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and retention. An A-ha moment typically occurs when the user experiences a breakthrough in understanding or realizes the benefits of using a product in a way that aligns with their needs or solves a problem they are facing.

Incorporating A-ha moment design principles into this kit can help designers create more engaging and satisfying user experiences. Components of a UX Day Kit related to A-ha moments may include:

  • Progressive Disclosure Strategies: Best practices and techniques for revealing information and features gradually to enhance user understanding.
  • Reward Systems: Ideas and templates for implementing reward systems that reinforce positive user actions and experiences.

Spotlight bias

Spotlight bias is a cognitive bias that refers to the tendency of individuals to believe that others are paying more attention to their actions, appearance, and behavior than they actually are. This bias is rooted in the social psychology principle where people overestimate the extent to which their actions and decisions are noticed by others.

By incorporating the principles of spotlight bias into a UX Day Kit, designers can create more user-friendly interfaces that alleviate unnecessary stress and improve the overall user experience. Components of a UX Day Kit related to spotlight bias include:

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Design templates and best practices for providing clear and immediate feedback to users, reducing the anxiety associated with spotlight bias.
  • Privacy Control Guidelines: Documentation and tools for implementing transparent and user-friendly privacy controls.
  • Error Prevention Templates: Resources for designing systems that minimize user errors and offer easy recovery options.


Priming is a psychological principle where exposure to a stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention. In the context of user experience design, priming involves using visual, textual, or interactive cues to subtly guide users' perceptions, behaviors, and decisions.

Incorporating priming techniques into a UX Day Kit helps designers create more engaging and effective user experiences. Components of a UX Day Kit related to priming include:

  • Priming Design Guidelines: Best practices and strategies for incorporating priming into UX design.
  • Case Studies and Examples: Real-world examples of successful priming techniques in UX design.
  • Copywriting Resources: Guides and templates for crafting effective microcopy and content that primes user behavior.
  • Design Patterns: Predefined visual and interactive patterns that utilize priming principles.

Coming soon

Understanding and applying design psychology principles can significantly enhance user experience by aligning design decisions with human cognitive behaviors and preferences. Here are several key design psychology principles that will be added to the UX Day Kit soon:

  • Anchoring
  • Hick’s Law
  • The Principle of Least Effort
  • The Paradox of Choice
  • Cognitive Load
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