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74 research methods & UX artefacts.

Everything you need to provide quality UX research. Save time and upgrade your UX input.

Information architecture

Information architecture (IA) is the practice of organizing and structuring content in a way that makes it easily accessible and understandable for users. It involves creating a blueprint for a website or application, ensuring that users can find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Information architecture plays a significant role in this kit by providing the foundational structure for creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Components of a UX Day Kit related to IA include:

  • IA Guidelines and Best Practices: Documentation on how to organize and structure content effectively.
  • User Research Tools: Methods and tools for understanding user needs and behaviors to inform IA decisions.
  • Wireframing Tools: Software and templates for creating initial designs that incorporate IA principles.
  • Usability Testing Scripts: Guides for testing the effectiveness of the IA with real users.

User persona

A user persona is a fictional representation of a target user based on real data and research. It is used in the design process to help understand the needs, goals, and behaviors of the users. User personas are essential tools in user-centered design, ensuring that the final product aligns with the expectations and requirements of its intended audience.

User personas are integral to this kit, providing a clear and detailed understanding of the target audience. Components of a UX Day Kit related to user personas may include:

  • Persona Templates: Pre-designed templates to help create detailed and consistent user personas.
  • User Research Tools: Methods and tools for gathering data about users, such as surveys, interviews, and observations.
  • Data Analysis Tools: Software for analyzing user data to identify patterns and insights that inform persona creation.
  • Persona Validation: Techniques for testing and validating personas to ensure they accurately represent the target audience.

Empathy map

An empathy map is a collaborative visualization tool used to articulate what is known about a specific user or persona. It helps teams gain a deeper understanding of users' thoughts, feelings, needs, and experiences. By exploring these aspects, teams can develop more user-centered designs and solutions.

Empathy maps are crucial components of this kit, offering a structured way to capture and analyze user insights. Components of a UX Day Kit related to empathy maps include:

  • Figma Empathy Map Templates: Pre-designed, customizable templates in Figma that teams can use to quickly create detailed empathy maps. These templates can be easily edited to fit the specific needs of different projects.
  • Interactive Components: Utilisation of Figma’s interactive components to make empathy maps more engaging and interactive, allowing team members to add comments, notes, and feedback directly within the map.

Heuristic evaluation

Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method used to identify and fix usability problems in a user interface design. It involves a small group of evaluators who examine the interface and judge its compliance with recognized usability principles, known as heuristics.

Heuristic evaluation is a critical component of this kit, providing a systematic approach to identifying usability problems early in the design process. Components of a UX Day Kit related to heuristic evaluation include:

  • Heuristic Evaluation Checklists: Lists of common heuristics to guide evaluators through the process.
  • Evaluation Templates: Structured forms for documenting findings and severity ratings.
  • Training Materials: Resources to educate team members on conducting heuristic evaluations effectively.
  • Reporting Templates: Templates for compiling and presenting the results of the heuristic evaluation to stakeholders.

Coming soon

The UX Day Kit is constantly evolving to include the latest tools and techniques that enhance the user experience design process. Here are some methods and artefacts that will soon be available in the UX Day Kit:

  • User Journey Maps: Visual representations of the user’s experience with a product or service over time. They highlight the user’s interactions, emotions, and pain points, providing insights into areas for improvement.
  • Service Blueprints: Detailed diagrams that illustrate the relationships between different service components, including frontstage and backstage processes. They help in understanding and optimizing the overall service experience.
  • Contextual Inquiry: A field research method where researchers observe and interview users in their natural environment. This approach provides deep insights into user behaviors, workflows, and context.
  • Diary Studies: Longitudinal research method where users record their interactions, thoughts, and experiences over time. This method provides a detailed understanding of user behaviors and experiences in real-world settings.
  • Card Sorting: A technique used to understand how users categorize and label information. It helps in creating intuitive information architectures and navigation systems.
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